Over the last 12 months Secure Forests CIC have been researching and developing an incredible opportunity to train veterans.
The team with consultation from Higher Education Colleges, and experts in the field of Land Management, have put together a vision for success. A program for training of the UK and International veterans community.
In the UK Higher Education Colleges such as the "Duchy College" in Cornwall, run a degree level, Land Management and Wildlife conservation program. This is an excellent program, which provides success and grounding for students to achieve rewarding careers, in Land management and Land surveying.
As a veteran I am very new to this work,, but have always gravitated towards nature and our natural environment. I can safely say, that this is the case for most of our ex service community, who appreciate the physical and mental health benefits of being outdoors.
I reflected on my own life journey and career path, and realised that there is a great resource available, and if we can put together another entry point into the Land Management career path, especially but not exclusively, for veterans.

So after a year of research and design work, we now have a course program and proposal ready to facilitate the:
Veterans Land Management and Wildlife Conservation Course
The program consists of vocational qualifications up to UK Level 3&4 and requires candidates to not only attend and pass 6 main Guided learning Units, but also complete voluntary service to gain experience and knowledge of the working challenges and environment. This voluntary service and the Academic qualifications are recorded in a reflective log and journal, which adds to the value of the program and demonstrates the candidates progression, experience and commitment.
The program* includes vocational qualifications in the following topics incl:
Risk Management
Forestry First Aid (F)
Chainsaw operations and maintenance
Tractor driving
ATV/UTV driving
Brush-cutter and Wood chipper
The program also includes detailed lectures on the ecological and environmental aspects of managing woodlands, grasslands and habitats. (*for full details follow link to PDF Document below)
Some of the unique elements of the course include technical details of the use of satellite and ground sensors including acoustics, AI, seismic and camera traps in the management of wildlife and habitats. This latter part fits into the Secure Forests training pipeline and provides the opportunities for selected personnel to potentially deliver this courses to some of our global conservation projects.

We are now ready to deliver this program and currently have 6 veterans who have been volunteering at our home at Mount Edgcumbe for the last 10 months. One of the veterans has been so inspired by the work, he now works with the Estate Rangers twice a week, to gain experience and improve his mental health.
He has previously struggled with his own mental health, and the program has inspired and changed his life, giving him a real sense of purpose!
We need your help, as with all of these programs we need to funding to support these veterans and others going through life and career transitions. If you know of any organisation, charity or foundation, that could help and support our initiative we would really appreciate it!
For further information contact the team at: Tellmemore@secureforests.com
or contact me richard@secureforests.com
Thank You!