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We are a team of specialist consultants who, collectively, have many years experience of operating, advising and consulting in some of the most challenging and remote environments in the world. All of the team have a passion and commitment to protecting the environment and supporting communities in some of the remotest and threatened places on the earth!

Who We Are.

We are a team of specialist consultants who, collectively, have many years experience of operating, advising and consulting in some of the most challenging and remote environments in the world. All of the team have a passion and commitment to protecting the environment and supporting communities in some of the remotest and threatened places on the earth!


Team Members.

Lucinda Grimshaw - Secure Forests Training and Programs  Co-Ordinator

Lucinda Grimshaw

Training and Programs


Kate Booth BSc Hons-GIS Analyst & PhD Student

Kate Booth BSc Hons

GIS Analyst & PhD Student

Tony Maddox - Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

Tony Maddox 

Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

Ian Berry - Land & Wildlife Manager

Ian Berry

Land & Wildlife Manager

Liz Waugh - Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

Liz Waugh

Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

John Baker - Associate lead for Education and Training Development

Associate lead for Education and Training Development

Richard Pyshorn -  Director and Founder

Richard Pyshorn

 Director and Founder

James Rowe - Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

James Rowe

Non- Executive Director Secure Forests CIC

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